Venus is the second planet in the distance from the Sun (the second planet of the solar system).
Venus belongs to the terrestrial planets and is named after the ancient Roman goddess of love and beauty. Venus has no natural satellites. Has a dense atmosphere.
Venus has been known to people since ancient times.
Venus's neighbors are Mercury and Earth.
The structure of Venus is a subject of controversy. The most likely is: an iron core with a mass of 25% of the mass of the planet, the mantle (extending 3300 kilometers into the interior of the planet) and crust 16 kilometers thick.
A significant part of the surface of Venus (90%) is covered with solidified basalt lava. It contains vast hills, the largest of which are comparable in size to the terrestrial continents, mountains and tens of thousands of volcanoes. Impact craters on Venus are practically absent.
Venus has no magnetic field.
Венера является третьим по яркости объектом на земном небе после Солнца и Луны.
Orbit of Venus
The average distance from Venus to the Sun is just under 108 million kilometers (0.72 astronomical units).
Perihelion (orbital point closest to the Sun): 107.5 million kilometers (0.718 astronomical units).
Aphelios (orbital point farthest from the Sun): 108.9 million kilometers (0.728 astronomical units).
The average speed of Venus's orbital motion is 35 kilometers per second.
The planet makes one revolution around the Sun in 224.7 Earth days.
The length of a day on Venus is 243 terrestrial.
The distance from Venus to Earth ranges from 38 to 261 million kilometers.
The direction of rotation of Venus is opposite to the direction of rotation of all (except for Uranus) planets in the solar system.
Physical characteristics of Venus
The temperature on the surface of Venus reaches 477 ° C.
Venus is the sixth largest planet in the solar system.
The radius of Venus is 6052 kilometers (95% of the Earth's radius).
The surface area of Venus is 460,234,317 square kilometers (approximately 90.2% of the Earth's surface).
Venus is the second densest (after Earth) planet in the solar system.
The acceleration due to gravity on Venus is 8.87 meters per second squared (0.905 g).
The mass of Venus is 4.87 x 1024 kilograms, which is about 81.5% of the mass of the Earth.
Venus has the densest atmosphere among all the terrestrial planets.